Natural Boobs SEX LITERACY ZERO Ch. 1-5 Rough
[U] セックスリテラシーZERO 第1-5話 [中国翻訳] [DL版]
#351927 - “What in the heck was the matter with him??!” he asked himself. Ten years ago he never would have dreamed that his whole life would have revolved around what was happening on the Tokyo stock exchange! He was just in the middle of a conversation with an associate in Japan when his eye caught a movement down the hall from his office. This woman was at least twenty years his senior and to put it mildly was bit a little on the hefty side! He desperately tried concentrating on his work but to no avail as sweat had begun to break out on his forehead! The woman turned around, and after giving him a large smile offered, “You don’t look so good!” “Are you sure you’re all right?!?” He was out of his mind!!! He knew that he could lose his job but it was like someone else had taken over his body! Like watching an accident happen, he felt himself stand up, unbuckle his pants, and then to his utter incredulity exposed his thick erection to the stunned woman’s eyes!!! Thankfully instead of runni
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