#309609 - OUCH, OUCH, OUCH, aaaaaaaarhhhhhhhh, arrrrrrrrrrrhhhhhhhh Fluffy stop you’re hurting but he didn’t kept thrusting and thrusting deeper and harder and just when I thought I could take it any longer BOOM, IAM CUMMING, IAM CUMMING OH MY GOD OH MY GOD GOOD DOGGIE GOOD DOGGIE, GOOD BOY GODDBOY, I SCREAMED IN TOTAL BLISS, MY FIRST DICK INSIDE ME AND IT BELONGS TO THE POSTMASTER’S DOG HE IS THE FIRST MALE TO PLEASE ME, I thought to myself Jake look at what your missing out on this should be you. I bang against my tiny little hole and Shep seemed a little distressed by this he gave I a few hard thrusts so hard, it pushed me right over the top of Fluffy my tit were on his face and this must have change the position of Fluffy ball that tired us together I felt a huge pop and heaps upon heaps of pain, as I felt Shep’s Ball thrust into my ass, oh my god it felt so bad like there wasn’t even enough room to move it but he still was this sent Shep over the edge he was like in a fucking Frenzy h
Read Turkish ××× Shinai to de rarenai heya ni tojikome raremashita. + Happy Wedding - Yu gi oh vrains Fit ××× Shinai to de rarenai heya ni tojikome raremashita. + Happy Wedding
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